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 A metaguide to comfortable and safe long haul travel 


Second Set of Eyes is based in Sydney, Australia - and acknowledges the Wangal and Gadigal people as the traditional owners of this land.

Second Set of Eyes offers services globally. 

© 2020


Matt Balogh

Thanks for reaching out to me!

Based in Sydney, Australia – we acknowledge the Wangal and Gadigal people as the traditional owners of this land.


This is a guide to ways and what to pack, how to avoid stressful or physical endurance – how to make sure you are not the one that comes home with the disaster story.  In particular, it deals with avoiding the worst disasters, not having valuables stolen, not getting stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time, and how to adapt to the local situations in different countries.  At times the author has been tempted to expand this into a travel guide – but such divergences have been largely edited out – bar for a few overly tempting examples.  Instead, this site provides some links to travel sites and guides – that do this much better, hence, this is a meta-guide – a guide to the websites and guides that you can draw-on for planning your travels.  But additionally – it is vital to find people who have been to the places you are going to, and to ask their advice.  If they are vague, find more experienced travellers that can advise you.  Your travel experiences will be radically better having done your research and planning.


Oh, one other thing – this guide recommends some websites, apps, products and services.  In all cases, these are the actual preferred products of the author.

Second Set of Eyes is based in Sydney, Australia - and acknowledges the Wangal and Gadigal people as the traditional owners of this land.

Second Set of Eyes offers services globally. 

© 2020


Matt Balogh

Thanks for reaching out to me!

Based in Sydney, Australia – we acknowledge the Wangal and Gadigal people as the traditional owners of this land.

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